health care

22 States Aren't Expanding Medicaid
June 4, 2015
Nearly half of states are so locked into the politics of Obamacare that they're willing to leave nearly 4.3 million of their own people uninsured. Take a look at our map — and make sure you share it.
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ACA Comic Strip: Vain
January 27, 2015
As more Americans gain coverage and we near the February 15 enrollment deadline, one artist highlights what these diverse Americans have in common in a series of shareable graphics.
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ACA Comic Strip: Oversharer
January 27, 2015
As more Americans gain coverage and we near the February 15th enrollment deadline, one artist highlights what these diverse Americans have in common in a series of shareable graphics.
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ACA Comic Strip: Organized
January 27, 2015
As more Americans gain coverage and we near the February 15th enrollment deadline, one artist highlights what these diverse Americans have in common in a series of shareable graphics.
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ACA Comic Strip: Hipster
January 27, 2015
As more Americans gain coverage and we near the February 15th enrollment deadline, one artist highlights what these diverse Americans have in common in a series of shareable graphics.
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ACA Comic Strip: Daredevil
January 27, 2015
As more Americans gain coverage and we near the February 15th enrollment deadline, one artist highlights what these diverse Americans have in common in a series of shareable graphics.
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ACA Comic Strips: Caregiver
January 27, 2015
As more Americans gain coverage and we near the February 15th enrollment deadline, one artist highlights what these diverse Americans have in common in a series of shareable graphics.
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ACA Comic Strip: Athletic
January 27, 2015
As more Americans gain coverage and we near the February 15th enrollment deadline, one artist highlights what these diverse Americans have in common in a series of shareable graphics.
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October 9, 2014
Here's what you need to know about Millennials: where they are, where they're going, and what President Obama is doing to ensure their success.
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Low Premium Increases, More Out-of-Pocket Limits
September 24, 2014
In 2014, the average annual premium for employer-provided family health coverage only went up 3%. That's tied for the lowest rate on record. And about 8 million more workers now have plans that limit their out-of-pocket spending.
Get the facts below -- and pass it on:
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ACA and the AAPI Community
March 17, 2014
Millions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are benefitting from the Affordable Care Act. Get the facts below, then share this with your friends and family.
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Strengthening Medicare
February 21, 2014
Making Medicare stronger has long been a top priority for President Obama. Learn how the Affordable Care Act is helping the Obama administration strengthen Medicare and crack down on Medicare fraud, and share the information with others.
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Before and After the Affordable Care Act
January 22, 2014
Today, millions of people have peace of mind about their health care that they lacked before the Affordable Care Act was passed, including better protections and access to health care, and new options for finding affordable coverage.
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Tips for New Health Coverage
December 31, 2013
If you're one of the many Americans who enrolled in health coverage that starts January 1, 2014, check out these tips on what to do the first time you visit the doctor or pharmacy.
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ACA and the LGBT Community
December 17, 2013
The Affordable Care Act has the potential to transform the lives of countless LGBT people. Learn how, then share this graphic with others.
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Americans Getting Covered Now
December 3, 2013
The Affordable Care Act is currently helping millions of Americans -- and we don't hear those stories often enough. Let's change that.
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Four Ways To Get Covered
December 2, 2013
Ready to get covered? Learn about the four ways to apply for coverage in the Health Insurance Marketplace, then share this with your friends to help them get covered, too.
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Americans Are Signing Up for Obamacare
October 18, 2013
While there have been extensive problems with, across the country people are using the Health Insurance Marketplace to get affordable health coverage. See some of their stories below, then share the news with others.
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Ways Obamacare Helps You
August 13, 2013
The benefits of the Affordable Care Act are pretty straight forward: the law makes it easier to get insurance you can afford, ensures you have the care you need when you get sick, and covers the preventive services you need to stay healthy — for free. Learn more below, then share this infographic with your friends and family so they can get the facts, too.
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Obamacare: Saving People Money
July 18, 2013
Obamacare means that health insurance companies have to be accountable to you. If they spend too much money on overhead and not enough on medical care, you get a refund -- just like 8.5 million Americans this past year. Here's a graphic that breaks things down. Will you share it to help answer questions in your community?
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Obamacare: Strengthening Medicare
May 8, 2013
Fighting Medicare fraud has long been a top priority for President Obama. This new infographic describes how the Affordable Care Act – the new health care law – is helping the Obama Administration crack down on Medicare fraud and make Medicare even stronger.
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