Champions of Change
Patience is Program Director of Project SHINE (Students Helping in the Naturalization of Elders), created in 1997 by the Temple University Intergenerational Center, is a multi-faceted national initiative that promotes immigrant integration through English language acquisition, citizenship and workforce preparation, health literacy and civic participation. It focuses specifically on the integration of older immigrants and refugees, a group that faces unique challenges yet is often overlooked. By fostering partnerships between immigrant communities, colleges/universities, and local aging networks, SHINE is able to mobilize volunteers representing diverse ages and cultures to improve immigrant elders’ basic English skills, knowledge of U.S. history/ civics, health literacy skills, and understanding of healthy aging practices. With funding from the Corporation for National and Community Service, the U.S. Department of Education, and multiple foundations, SHINE has partnered with 31 colleges/ universities and over 200 community and faith-based organizations in 18 cities across the country.