He is the president and co-founder of Paleo Quest, a 501c3 non-profit citizen science organization designed to advance the sciences of paleontology and geology through material contributions to museum collections, field exploration, scientific publication and the advancement of science education. Jason, along with Paleo Quest co-founder Aaron Alford, has developed SharkFinder™, a citizen science and STEM education program aimed at finding fossil elasmobranch (shark, skates and ray) remains that bring real, tangible science to classrooms and citizen scientist alike. He also promotes STEM education as a STEM mentor, host researcher and research lead for the JASON Learning/National Geographic/Sea Research Foundation. During normal working hours, Jason is an innovator in the development of cutting-edge biomedical lab instrumentation as a neurobiological instrument and systems designer for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Janelia Farm Research Campus, a leading biomedical research center where outstanding scientists from diverse disciplines use emerging and innovative technologies to pursue biology’s most challenging problems, particularly-how the brain works.