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Here’s What You Had To Say--Part 2

Second in a series highlighting comments from our valuable blog readers and active participants. Whether you are a regular reader or intermittent visitor we want to hear from you!

As part of our effort to make our communication strategies a two-way street, we at the White House Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Office and its Centers are posting more comments from you, our valuable readers and participants about our activities and programs.  This is part of a regular feature that will showcase and highlight what you thought about events or conference calls you participated in or your interaction with a staff member at one of the Centers or with us at the White House.  It is also to let you know that even if you do not hear from us directly your emails are being read by actual human beings and not being dumped into an email wasteland!

To read previous comments, click here.

                “I apologize for the delay in expressing our sincere gratitude for your participation in our Fall Conference on Friday, December 3, 2010.  The conference attendees could not stop talking about the session on Grants for Faith-Based and Nonprofit Organizations.  They thoroughly enjoyed your presentation.
- Gwendolyn D.


                “I want to thank you for attending the [National Coalition for Burned Churches & Community Empowerment--13th Annual Status] conference.  I’m glad you were able to meet some new folks and found several good contacts.  I know the conference hosts appreciated the representation from our [sic] office.”  -Christine K., Atlanta, GA

                 “First let me thank you for attending the conference.  Your remarks to the group were refreshing and helpful as we look at the direction the organization will take in the months ahead.  Thank you also for taking the time to share your thoughts and ideas on how we can strengthen the organizational capacity.” -Rose M., Atlanta, GA

                “Just a quick note to thank you very much for your generosity of time and spirit and for all your good ideas…we wanted you to have this note of appreciation, we agreed that having a person of your ilk and sensitivity in such an important Federal position makes us proud to pay our taxes.” -Allan S., Chevy Chase, MD  


                "The Annual American Legion Auxiliary Holiday Gift Shop at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center was an awesome experience!" -Camilla

                "The Holiday Gift Shop was an excellent opportunity to display the real meaning of Christmas when we were able to provide gift items and refreshments to over 300 veterans who genuinely enjoyed the festive environment and holiday music." -Carolyn

As we enter the New Year and take stock of how to make 2011 an even better year than the one prior, how can the White House Office on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships better serve and help you?  What information or services would you like to see?  Submit your response to whpartnership (at) and we’ll highlight them in a future posting. 

Victoria Marquez is a Policy Analyst at the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.