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The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release

Statement by the President on Native American Heritage Day

“Tomorrow,  Americans everywhere will observe our National Day of Thanksgiving.  It will be a time of celebration and reflection as we gather with family and friends to count our blessings and remember those less fortunate.  But it will also be a time to remember how this holiday began– as a harvest celebration between European settlers and the American Indians who had been living and thriving on the continent for thousands of years.” 

“That is why on Friday, I encourage every American to join me in observing Native American Heritage Day.  My Administration is committed to strengthening the nation to nation relationship with  tribal governments. But it is also important for all of us to understand the rich culture, tradition and history of Native Americans and their status today- and to appreciate the contributions that First Americans have made, and will continue to make to our Nation.”