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The White House
Office of the First Lady
For Immediate Release
November 25, 2016
Remarks by the First Lady at Arrival of the 2016 White House Christmas Tree
MRS. OBAMA: What do you think?
CHILD: It's great.
MRS. OBAMA: It's great. Should we accept it?
MRS. OBAMA: I think we're good.
These are our replacement kids. (Laughter.) This is what happens when you get teenagers. One is asleep -- these two are up. (Laughter.) It's what we got now.
Good job, guys. Christmas begins! The holidays start! We're ready -- our last one. We're excited about it.
Congratulations to our award winners here. Thank you, guys.
All right, our work here is done.
CHILD: That was easy.
MRS. OBAMA: It's easy. The easiest part of the holiday season.
All right, you guys. Happy holidays. Happy Thanksgiving. We'll see you around.