Workforce Inventory Data:
Agencies who wish to bulk-upload workforce inventory data into the Workforce Inventories Tracking System (WITS) need to convert their original consolidated inventory data into the XML schema format provided. Agencies should provide their original data file (e.g., Excel spreadsheets, agency database file, etc.), the CSTS/WITS XML Schema for inventory data (below), and the CSTS/WITS XML Lookup Data for inventories (below) to their information technology service provider (e.g., software developer/engineer) for conversion of the original inventory file to XML for upload into WITS.
Competitive Sourcing Data:
Agencies who wish to bulk-upload competitive sourcing data into the Competitive Sourcing Tracking System (CSTS) need to convert their competition data into the XML schema format provided. Agencies should provide their original data file, the CSTS/WITS XML Schema for competition data (below), and the CSTS/WITS XML Lookup Data for competitions (below) to their information technology service provider (e.g., software developer/engineer) for conversion of the original inventory file to XML for upload into CSTS.
Bulk-uploads of workforce inventory and competitive sourcing data are not required -- agencies may manually input data in both CSTS and WITS. However, the bulk-upload method is particularly useful for the upload of agency workforce inventories and competitive sourcing filings where data inputs are voluminous, or for the transfer of data from one data repository (e.g., agency database) into CSTS/WITS
- CSTS/WITS XML Schema (.zip file)
- CSTS WITS Lookup Data (.zip file)
CSTS/WITS is accessible via the OMB MAX home page at https://max.omb.gov/maxportal/home.do.