Changes to the Standards for Defining Metropolitan Areas
OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Recommendations From the Metropolitan Area Standards Review Committee to the Office of Management and Budget Concerning Changes to the Standards for Defining Metropolitan Areas Agency: Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Action: Notice extending comment period. SUMMARY: On October 20, 1999, OMB published a Notice (64 FR 56628 - 56644) requesting comments on recommendations that it had received from the Metropolitan Area Standards Review Committee (MASRC) for changes to OMB's metropolitan area standards. By this Notice, OMB is extending the time period for public comment from December 20, 1999, to December 30, 1999. DATES: To ensure consideration during the final decision making process, written comments must be received no later than December 30, 1999. ADDRESSES: Written comments on the recommendations should be submitted to James D. Fitzsimmons, U.S. Bureau of the Census, IPC-Population Division, Washington, DC 20233-8860; fax (301) 457-3034. Electronic Data Availability: This Federal Register Notice and the October 20, 1999, Notice are available electronically from the OMB home page: [/OMB/fedreg/index.html]. Federal Register Notices also are available electronically from the U.S. Government Printing Office web site: []. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James D. Fitzsimmons, Chair, Metropolitan Area Standards Review Committee, (301) 457-2419; or E-mail []. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On October 20, 1999, OMB published a Notice (64 FR 56628 - 56644) requesting comments on recommendations that it had received from the Metropolitan Area Standards Review Committee (MASRC) for changes to OMB's metropolitan area standards. MASRC's report and recommendations were published in their entirety in that Notice. To allow additional time for public comment, OMB is extending the comment period on the recommended standards from December 20, 1999, to December 30, 1999. The final standards will be published prior to Census 2000. John
T. Spotila, |