Public Availability of Agency Inventories Under the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998


Subject: Public Availability of Agency Inventories Under the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-270) ("FAIR Act")

Agency: Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President

Action: Notice of Public Availability of Commercial Activities Inventories

Summary: The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) hereby announces that the FAIR Act Commercial Activities Inventories are now available to the public from the agencies listed below.

The "Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act of 1998" (Public Law 105-270) ("FAIR Act") requires that OMB publish an announcement of public availability of agency Commercial Activities Inventories upon completion of OMB's review and consultation process concerning the agencies' inventory submissions. OMB has completed this process for the agencies listed below. Further announcements will be published as OMB completes the review process for additional agencies.

Commercial Activities Inventories are now available from the following agencies:

Agency Contact
African Development Foundation Tom Wilson, 202-673-3948
Agency for International Development Deborah Lewis, 202-712-0936
American Battle Monuments Commission Anthony Corea, 703-696-6898
Appalachian Regional Commission Guy Land, 202-884-7674
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board Lawrence W. Roffee, 202-272-5434
Arlington National Cemetery Rory Smith, 703-614-5060
Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation Ms. Wanni Spence, 703-756-6012
Chemical Safety Board Phyllis Thompson, Chief Operating Officer, 202-261-7600
Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation Judith M. Shellenberger, Executive Director, 703-505-7700
Committee for Purchase from People who are Blind or Severely Disabled Beverly L. Milkman, Executive Director, 703-603-7740
Council on Environmental Quality Ellen Athas, 202-456-6541
Department of Agriculture Richard M. Guyer, Director, Fiscal Policy Division,
Office of the CFO, 202-690-0291
Department of Commerce Ms. Brenda Dolan, 202-482-3258
Department of Education Gary Weaver, 202-401-3848
Department of Health and Human Services Michael Colvin, 202-690-7887; web site:
Department of Housing and Urban Development David Weaver, 202-708-0638 ext.3894
Environmental Protection Agency George Ames, 202-564-4998
Farm Credit Administration Donald P. Clark, 703-883-4200
Federal Labor Relations Authority Solly Thomas, Executive Director, 202-482-6560
Federal Maritime Commission Edward P. Walsh, 202-523-5800
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Dick Baker, 202-653-5625
General Services Administration Thomas Fitzpatrick, 202-501-0324; e-mail: Tom.Fitzpatrick@GSA.GOV
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation Louis H. Blair, Executive Secretary, 202-395-4831
Institute of Museum and Library Services Linda Bell, Director of Policy, Planning and Budget, 202-606-8637
Inter-American Foundation Adolfo Franco, 703-306-4323
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation Paul A. Yost, President, 202-653-6045
Marine Mammal Commission Jacqueline L. Murphy, 301-504-0087
Merit Systems Protection Board Bob Lawshe, 202-653-7263
Morris Udall Foundation Chris Helms, Director, 520-670-5299
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Timothy Sullivan, 202-358-2215
National Archives and Records Administration Lori Lasowski, 301-713-7360, extension 257
National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Judith C. Russell, 202-606-9200
National Council on Disability Ethel D. Briggs, 202-272-2004
National Education Goals Panel John Masaitis, 202-724-0015
National Endowment for the Arts Ron Fineman, 202-682-5767
National Endowment for the Humanities Barry Maynes, 202-606-8310
National Labor Relations Board Harding Darden, 202- 273-3970
National Mediation Board June King, 202-692-5010
Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Dr. William Barnard, Executive Director, 703-235-4473
Occupational Safety & Health Review Commission Patricia Randle, 202-606-5390
Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Linda L. Gwinn, Deputy Director, Office of Finance and Administration, 202-414-3789
Office of Government Ethics Sean Donohue, 202-208-8000, ext. 1217
Office of Management and Budget Brian Gillis, 202-395-7250
Office of National Drug Control Policy Tilman Dean, Director of Administration, 202-395-6722
Office of Navaho and Hopi Indian Relocation Michael J. McAlister, 520-779-2721
Office of Science & Technology Policy Barbara Ferguson, 202-456-6001
Office of the Special Counsel Jane McFarland, 202-653-9001
Office of the U. S. Trade Representative John Hopkins, 202-395-5797
Selective Service System Calvin Montgomery, 703-605-4038
Social Security Administration Phil Kelly, 410-965-3099
U. S. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad Chris Hill, 202-254-3824
U. S. Trade and Development Agency Julie Norton, 703-875-6066