Meeting Record

Meeting Record Regarding: Formaldehyde; Third-Party Certification Framework for the Formaldehyde Standards for Composite Wood Products and Formaldehyde Emissions Standards for Composite Wood Products

Date: 7 / 9 / 2012

Name Affiliation Client (if applicable)
Danielle Jones  OMB/OIRA   
Lynn Vendinello  EPA/OPPT   
Kevin Neyland  OMB/OIRA   
Cindy Wheeler  EPA/OPPT   
Karen Thundiyil  EPA   
Peter Smith  EPA   
Brian T. Sause  HPVA Laboratories   
Kip Howlett  HPVA   
Dom Mancini  OMB/OIRA   
Stiven Foster  CEQ   
Anna Yu  CEQ   
Manisha Patel  CEQ   
Amanda Lee  OMB/OIRA   
Bruce Rodan  OSTP   

Meeting material provided to OMB ( pages, kb) PDF Information
Document 2 (2 pages, 342 kb)
Document 3 (2 pages, 215 kb)
Document 4 (2 pages, 65 kb)
Document 5 (1 page, 157 kb)
Document 6 (3 pages, 124 kb)
Document 7 (8 pages, 833 kb)
Document 8 (6 pages, 416 kb)
Document 9 (2 pages, 84 kb)
Document 10 (2 pages, 87 kb)
Image 1 (289 kb)
Image 2 (195 kb)
Image 3 (317 kb)
Image 4 (232 kb)
Image 5 (423 kb)
Image 6 (218 kb)