Meeting Record

Meeting Record Regarding: National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Major Sources: Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters; Proposed Reconsideration

Date: 11 / 15  / 2011

Name Affiliation Client (if applicable)
Cortney Higgins  OMB/OIRA   
David Rustker (via phone)  SBA/Advocacy   
Sara Rees (via phone)  EPA/OP   
Mark Thomas (via phone)  EPA/OSWER   
Stiven Foster  CEQ   
Kevin Dempsey  AISI   
Rich Zavoda  ArcelorMittal   
Doris McWilliams  Squire Sanders  ArcelorMittal
Peter Pagano  AISI   
Ernie Serrano  U.S. Steel   
Brett Smith  AISI   
Alayne Gobeille  CEQ   
Dom Mancini  OMB/OIRA   
Tom Gillis (via phone)  EP/OP   
Kevin Neyland  OMB/OIRA   

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