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Letters to President Obama

Health Care
December 4, 2014

Hello President Obama, thank you again for the affordable care act…

December 4, 2014
Darlene Whitted
Cary, North Carolina
Health Care
October 30, 2014

Without you and your Affordable Care Act, I would now be nearly $24,000 in debt with no way to pay for it...

October 30, 2014
April Wright
Paducah, Kentucky
Health Care
October 22, 2014

I was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor in May 2012. At the time I didn't have insurance & I delayed getting it treated…

October 22, 2014
Mrs. and Mr. Astrid and Abdul Muhammad
Charlotte, North Carolina
Health Care
September 21, 2014

It is clear to me that your commitment to the people of this country and the Affordable Care Act which you championed has saved my life…

September 21, 2014
David Hershy
Elkins Park, Pennsylvania
Health Care
August 29, 2014

I am 34 and because of you and your efforts, I am about to make my first doctors appointment in over 5 years...

August 29, 2014
Lynnette Jackson
Hyattsville, Maryland
Health Care
August 23, 2014

I would've been a pariah to the health insurance industry before with the chronic health condition I have...

August 23, 2014
Ryan Phelan
Austin, Texas