Champions of Change

Champions of Change: Champions For The Children Of Incarcerated Parents

The White House honors 12 individuals for their dedication to the well-being of children of incarcerated parents.

Carol F. Burton has been working with, and on behalf of incarcerated parents and their children for almost 24 years. As an innovative change agent she leads the Alameda County Children of...

For nearly four decades Carol Fennelly has been a voice for dispossessed and forgotten people in the nation’s capital. For 17 years she worked and lived at the Community for Creative Non-Violence...

Dee Ann Newell is a native of Little Rock, Arkansas. Dee Ann attended college in New York City at Finch College and obtained a Master’s Degree in Developmental Psychology from Columbia University...

In 2000, Rev. Dr. W. Wilson Goode, Sr., who is known affectionately as the “father” of the Children of Prisoners Movement in the country, organized Amachi, an effective mentoring program for...

Elizabeth Gaynes is the executive director of the Osborne Association, a multiservice nonprofit that implements and champions solutions that reduce the damage caused by crime and incarceration....

Gail T. Smith founded CLAIM (Chicago Legal Advocacy for Incarcerated Mothers) in 1985. She convened the Illinois Task Force for Children of Prisoners, Children of Promise, which won improvements...

Nell Bernstein is the author of All Alone in the World: Children of the Incarcerated, and the coordinator of the San Francisco Children of Incarcerated Parents Partnership, which advocates for a...

Sister Tesa Fitzgerald, a Sister of Saint Joseph of Brentwood, has spent the last 26 years as the founding Executive Director of Hour Children, a nonprofit program based in Queens, NY, that...

Yali Lincroft is a Policy Consultant for First Focus and a Program Officer with the Walter S. Johnson Foundation. In October 2012, Yali helped develop California's "Reuniting Immigrant Families...

Claire Walker began her career by obtaining her PhD at Columbia University. She then spent the next 45 years organizing communities to advocate for urgent reforms to protect children and families...

Ann Adalist-Estrin is Director of the National Resource Center on Children and Families of the Incarcerated in Philadelphia. Under Ann’s leadership, NRCCFI has provided consultation to government...