Over the past eight years, this Administration has had a consistent focus on food, nutrition, and physical activity--and it shows. Today, backyard gardens are in vogue, counting steps is common, and it’s often easy to swap fries for broccoli. This progress didn’t happen overnight and it didn’t happen by itself; it is the result of dedicated people from diverse backgrounds and wide-ranging interests all across the country working together, for years and years, with our nation’s health and our children’s future as a shared priority.
Whether you are a mayor who has championed walking school buses or an educator who embraced breakfast in the classroom, an academic who has worked to measure how SNAP affects children’s chance at success or an advocate for a more transparent food system, a company that’s reformulated your products so they are healthier or a restaurant using less salt, a federal civil servant who has been involved in changing federal policies or a mom whose kids are eating more whole grains than they used to: You have reason to be proud.
We have published a record of progress made during this Administration in an easy-to-access format that serves as a reminder of what we have accomplished, as well as what remains to be done. Each bullet represents years of work and has touched the lives of millions of Americans. A few highlights include:
No summary of the Administration’s record can convey the gratitude we have for each and every person who has been part of turning bold ideas for a healthier America into reality. Thank you for your commitment, your partnership, and continuing to remain a champion for food, nutrition, and physical activity—there is plenty left to do.