Today, the Administration is taking action to accelerate efforts to increase the efficiency of Federal data centers, reduce costs, and improve the overall information technology (IT) security posture of the Federal Government.
In 2010, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) launched the Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative (FDCCI) to promote the use of green IT: that is, reduce the overall energy and real estate footprint of government data centers; reduce the cost of data center hardware, software, and operations; increase the overall IT security posture of the Federal Government; and shift IT investments to more efficient computing platforms and technologies.
In the years since the launch of the FDCCI, we’ve witnessed enormous progress optimizing the Federal Government’s data center inventory. Agencies have closed over 1,900 data centers, reducing the real estate footprint of Federal data centers by more than 1.2 million square feet, and made significant strides toward optimizing existing data centers. These efforts have resulted in nearly $1 billion in savings and a Federal data center inventory that is more efficient, effective, and secure.
The Data Center Optimization Initiative, released today, continues and builds upon this progress and ensures robust implementation of the data center provisions of the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA). The Initiative requires agencies to implement strategies to consolidate inefficient infrastructure, optimize existing facilities, improve security posture, achieve cost savings, and transition to more efficient infrastructure, such as cloud services and inter-agency shared services.
Specifically, to accomplish the above, the Initiative will drive progress in three primary areas within agencies’ data center management strategies:
Additional reforms in the Data Center Optimization Initiative include strengthened and direct CIO authority over data center-related budgeting and management decisions, increased use of the cloud and inter-agency shared services, and replacement of manual data collection with more accurate and efficient automated monitoring tools.
The important work agencies are undertaking as part of the Data Center Optimization Initiative will help move the Federal Government toward an IT portfolio that is more efficient, more effective, more secure, and better able to deliver world-class services to the American people.
Tony Scott is the U.S. Chief Information Officer.