Today, the Administration is releasing the Pollinator Partnership Action Plan (PPAP), building on Federal actions to improve pollinator health by facilitating additional state and private-sector engagement. The PPAP furthers President Obama’s June, 2014, memorandum that focused the attention of Federal agencies on the plight of the pollinators—honey bee colony mortality rates that impact the viability of commercial beekeepers and agricultural pollination services; monarch butterfly declines that threaten its iconic continental-scale migration; and other pollinator species quietly slipping toward extinction. Federal agencies have risen to this challenge:
As the President made clear, ultimate success can only be achieved through an all-hands-on-deck approach to create the necessary long-term change and fully internalize the value of these creatures to our well-being. The PPAP shares examples of existing partnership actions as models for future efforts, and encourages ideas for new and creative ways to engage all sectors of society in the long-term protection of pollinators, including opportunities to:
Plot your part in the next American evolution—nurture and celebrate these unpaid workers who pollinate our flowers, fruits, nuts, and vegetables!
Bruce Rodan is the Assistant Director for Environmental Health for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.