Last week, we launched the first-ever National Week at the Labs: More than fifty world-class federal labs in twenty cities opened their doors to neighborhood students, many of them in communities that have accepted the President's MBK Community Challenge. Students simulated particle collisions, chatted with astronauts and toured the Kennedy Space Center, operated robots, and got a close up look at rare equipment, like a U.S. Navy exoskeleton.
Mayors and community leaders in Boston, Orlando, Houston, Albuquerque and Atlanta, and everywhere in between, got in on the fun too and participated in events. Many of them have developed strategies to increase access to STEM training, higher education, and summer STEM jobs for area students.
Check out some highlights from the week:
Our labs are welcoming a bunch of guest scientists this week ... KIDS! https://t.co/u8FIWFjzdA #STEM #MBKLabWeek pic.twitter.com/uZJHq6FqDQ
— U.S. Department of Energy (@ENERGY) March 1, 2016
#STEM students learn #energy basics @WhiteHouse as part of #MBKLabWEEK → https://t.co/u8FIWFjzdA #WeekAtTheLabs pic.twitter.com/ztMAZyrhpZ
— U.S. Department of Energy (@ENERGY) February 29, 2016
Kids learn about infrared imaging from @NIBIBgov Dr.Henry Eden @WhiteHouse #WeekAtTheLabs pic.twitter.com/1rJYSX1DcN
— NINDS (@NIH_NINDS) March 2, 2016
Students visited @NOAA_AOML during #WeekAtTheLabs to learn about careers in #STEM! Photos: https://t.co/SiPZ6DVMQE pic.twitter.com/Otk1wTyL6d
— NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Lab (@NOAA_AOML) March 7, 2016
What's under the microscope? @NOAA_AOML #scientists teach students about #microbiology & #STEM during #WeekAtTheLabs pic.twitter.com/5YfDTCxrFL
— NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Lab (@NOAA_AOML) March 4, 2016
ICYMI, @WrightPattAFB and @MBK_Dayton invited 60 DPS students for #WeekAtTheLabs hands-on activities: https://t.co/jZnADq0PEw
— City of Dayton, Ohio (@cityofdayton) March 5, 2016
The United States has more than a half-million job openings in information technology and many more requiring training in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), including computer science. To ensure that all youth have access to these jobs and the jobs of the future, the Administration is working hard with communities across the country to provide opportunities in STEM and entrepreneurship.
One way to prepare all of America’s youth for these opportunities is to share some of the work we’re doing in our Nation’s Federal labs and help them meet some of our STEM leaders. This week, the White House will launch a National Week at the Labs in coordination with the White House Council on Women and Girls (CWG) and the My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Task Force to bring together scientists, engineers, and lab workers to inspire students as they spend the day performing experiments and participating in STEM mentoring sessions.
We will kick off the National Week at the Labs with our own White House Day at the Lab on Monday, February 29, where students from Washington, D.C. and Baltimore will participate in hands-on activities with scientists and engineers to learn about careers in STEM. Throughout the week, more than 50 National Labs from across the Federal system in more than 20 states will open their facilities to thousands of youth from nearby neighborhoods, including the more than 200 communities that have accepted the MBK Community Challenge nationwide. Additionally, schools, libraries, and other community organizations are encouraged to organize their own Week at the Labs with hands-on STEM events to expand the opportunity for kids in their communities.
This work, which connects STEM, innovation, and business leaders with boys and girls and young men and young women from around the country, supports local organizations to carry out these initiatives, and enables young people to leverage opportunities and achieve success.
To continue growing science and technology education and opportunities for young people in America, we are also excited to announce new MBK STEM and entrepreneurship tracks. The MBK Task Force is committing to creating and strengthening pathways to enable more young people, particularly those facing persistent opportunity gaps, to tap into the power of Federal and non-government STEM and entrepreneurship initiatives. This announcement also builds on the ongoing work of the Council on Women and Girls to ensure opportunities in STEM education throughout the workforce pipeline.
Some of this new and ongoing work focuses on:
This builds on efforts throughout the Administration to increase student exposure to STEM and entrepreneurship, including bringing together hundreds of leaders from Federal agencies, local governments, academia, corporations, and national and community organizations. Community leaders in Boston, St. Louis, Atlanta, Baltimore, and elsewhere across the country have worked hard to develop strategies to increase access to STEM training, higher education, and summer STEM jobs, and to mitigate bias in the STEM sector.
Michael Smith is the Senior Director of Cabinet Affairs for the My Brother’s Keeper Initiative
Marvin Carr is a Policy Advisor in the Office of the Chief Technology Officer
Jordan Brooks is the Deputy Executive Director of the Council on Women and Girls
Quincy Brown is a AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow at the National Science Foundation