Sangeeta M. from Pawtucket, Rhode Island is a mom with two young boys, ages 4 and 9. She and her husband have been self-employed for many years, and over the past decade, experienced troubles with maintaining health insurance.
"As health insurance continued to raise their premiums, we eventually got squeezed out of the system," she wrote in a letter to the President last September. She says their premium went up at least three times within a year, amid a struggling economy.
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, however, she and her husband were able to finally get quality health coverage. That coverage was there for them when Sangeeta found that she had breast cancer. Having insurance allowed Sangeeta to get the treatment she needed at a price her family could afford.
"I cannot imagine having to deal with cancer and worrying about how we're going to pay for it all," she wrote. "Not a moment goes by each day where I am [not] filled with such overwhelming gratitude to you and everyone it took to make health care reform happen."