Last night, we sent this message to the White House email list updating America on The Affordable Care Act to mark the five year anniversary since it became law. Didn't get it? Make sure you sign up for email updates here.
Better with Obamacare:
On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed a historic law that has transformed the lives of millions of Americans.
Tomorrow, the Affordable Care Act will celebrate five years of significant progress. That's a fact that people across the country can see in more affordable coverage, higher quality care, and better health, thanks to Obamacare.
After five years of the ACA:
More than 16 million
Americans have gained health coverage
Take a look back at history in the making:
9.4 million
People with Medicare saved a total of more than $15 billion on prescription medications
76 million
People are benefiting from preventive care coverage
105 million
People no longer have a lifetime limit on their health coverage
Up to 129 million
People with pre-existing conditions are no longer at risk of being denied coverage
Death panels were created
Share the celebration:
See how President Obama reacted to the good news five years ago and share how health care reform has been making a difference ever since.