"Behind the Budget" is a series of posts featuring audio stories from staffers from across the Office of Management and Budget, discussing aspects of the budget process that most Americans don't get to see.
Underlying the President's FY 2016 budget is a database holding about 600,000 pieces of information across multiple agencies and accounts. The database keeps track of every dollar appropriated by Congress: when it was appropriated, when it was or is going to be obligated -- whether that means signing a contract or placing an order -- and when the dollar goes out the door. It catalogues what the dollar was used for, and why. It's a lot of information, and right now, Aron Greenberg -- who's worked in OMB's Budget Review Division for about 11 years -- is responsible for helping to make sure it's accurate. Listen to him describe the work of the team responsible for doing the final comb of the budget.
Meet Aron Greenberg, Budget Methods Specialist in OMB's Budget Review Division.
The President's Fiscal Year 2016 Budget will be released on Monday, February 2. You should also: