Summer Jobs+ is a call to action for businesses, non-profits, and government to work together to provide pathways to employment for young people in the summer of 2012. It's about helping people find their first jobs.
In the video below, actor Richard Kind talks about his first summer job, working to set up the jewelery and china departments at a new store. Richard had to make sure that every piece in a set of china came into the store intact, and destroy any sets that weren't perfect. In hindsight, the skills he employed on that job don't translate in his current career, but he did learn that you can have fun in the most unexpected ways at work.
Watch Richard Kind talk about his first job here:
So far, employers have listed more than 300,000 jobs, mentorships, and other employment opportunities this summer through Summer Jobs+.
You heard about Richard's first job. Now go find yours.
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