Our nation’s military spouses proudly face incredible challenges – from multiple relocations to running households with their military service member often thousands of miles away during deployments. With military spouse unemployment above the national average, our military spouses are seeking portable, career-oriented job opportunities.
I just left an extraordinary event at the Pentagon that will help connect spouses to those opportunities. Today, Military mom and Second Lady of the United States Dr. Jill Biden joined Department of Defense leaders to announce that 34 companies are stepping forward to join the DoD's Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP), which helps connect military spouses with jobs. The Partnership’s member companies have pledged to recruit, hire, promote and retain military spouses in portable careers.
Already, the MSEP has delivered results – to date, more than 22,000 military spouses have been hired and more than 446,140 jobs have been posted on the MSEP jobs web portal.
Learn more about Joining Forces initiative: Visit JoiningForces.gov, like Joining Forces on Facebook and follow @JoiningForces on Twitter.
Below is a list of the new companies joining MSEP today: