It’s almost time for National Small Business Week 2012 - and to kick things off we are launching a video contest.
Each week I travel around the country and hear from business owners about how SBA has helped them start, grow and succeed. I’m often inspired by each business’ ingenuity, and it’s the small business owners I meet each week that are making communities strong and keeping America competitive.
I want to share these stories, and so many more, with everyone. The video contest is an opportunity for small business owners and entrepreneurs to share their success stories with a larger audience and emphasize how important they are to their local economy.
How to Participate
Videos can be submitted through Challenge.gov from 12pm EDT April 16 through 5pm May 11. Contestants should produce a short (1-2 minutes), original video to share their story. The list of Contest Rules provides additional details on the required video content and format. All eligible videos will be judged by SBA senior officials on the inspirational nature of the message for potential small business owners and the creativity or uniqueness of the video concept.
Winning Videos
Three winning videos will be featured during National Small Business Week and shown during a Google+ Hangout hosted by SBA and the White House on May 23. The winners can participate in the event and help me answer questions from small businesses around the country. Qualifying videos that don’t win will be showcased on SBA’s YouTube page.
We are excited to celebrate entrepreneurship and hear from you about how SBA has helped you grow your business and create jobs. Check out http://smallbizvid.challenge.gov for more information on the National Small Business Week Video Contest.