Mark your calendars! Next Tuesday January 24, President Obama will present the annual State of the Union Address at 9 pm EST, and all week long, the White House wants to hear from concerned citizens on the topics that most matter to you.
Once again, we will be streaming an enhanced version of the speech that features graphics, data and stats that highlight the issues the President is discussing on Whitehouse.gov/sotu. We will also live stream that broadcast through the White House Live App on Facebook, YouTube and our new Google+ page.
Starting immediately after the speech and continuing through the rest of the week, senior White House officials will hear from you about the state of our union. President Obama is committed to creating a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration using social media and other online resources to engage citizens across America on your highest priorities.
Immediately following the speech, we’ll be streaming an online panel live from the White House. The panel of senior advisors -- Mark Zuckerman, White House Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council; Roberto Rodriguez, Special Assistant to the President for Education Policy; Brian Deese, Deputy Director National Economic Council; Ben Rhodes, Deputy NSA for Strategic Communications and Speechwriting and Jen Palmieri, Deputy White House Communications Director – will be answering questions about the President’s address submitted by citizens via twitter (#WHChat & #SOTU), Google+, Facebook and the in-person audience of tweetup participants.
Administration officials will spend Wednesday taking questions on the State of the Union in a day-long Office Hours marathon, an online question and answer session through Twitter. Josh Earnest, White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary, will be available throughout the day, and Mark Zuckerman, White House Deputy Director of the Domestic Policy Council will be taking questions at 1 pm EST. Dan Pfeiffer, the White House Communications Director, will also participate.
Thursday’s Office Hours will feature community-focused discussions with policy advisors and experts and Friday will be directed towards specific issues.
Review the full schedule of events below to learn how you can participate. We hope you will join us at some point next week.
Here's how Office Hours work:
Office Hours Schedule for Thursday January 26 (times listed are EST)
Office Hours Schedule for Friday January 27 (times listed are EST)
Find out how you can talk to Obama Administration officials about the President’s plan
Watch the enhanced version of the 2012 State of the Union Address
Read the full transcript of President Obama's 2012 State of the Union Address
Read President Obama’s Blueprint for an America that is built to last
Take a deep dive into the data behind the President’s plan
Video: Go behind the scenes as the President prepared his speech
Photo Gallery: Scenes from the State of the Union
Interactive Feature: Who Joined the First Lady for the Speech?