Last year, President Obama honored several individuals from the Hispanic community, including Roberta Diaz Brinton for her extraordinary service to Los Angeles students. Roberta spent her time and talents improving science and technology education for inner-city and disadvantaged minority youth.
To learn about another Citizen Medal recipient from the Hispanic community, watch the story of Jorge Muñoz, who spent his time, energy, and resources to feed the hungry and create a more hopeful future for those less fortunate.
For the 2011 Presidential Citizens Medal we are asking you to look into your community and nominate those everyday heroes who have performed exemplary deeds of service. This includes those who have demonstrated commitment to service in their own communities or in communities farther from home, who have helped their country or their fellow citizens through one or more extraordinary acts, whose service relates to a long-term problem, or whose service has had a sustained impact on others’ lives and provided inspiration for others to serve. Last year over 6,000 incredible leaders were nominated for their service, which often times goes unrecognized. The Presidential Citizens Medal offers a chance to thank those extraordinary stewards of service from across the United States.
For more information on the Citizens Medal as well how nominate an outstanding citizen, please visit to watch the announcement video. To nominate someone for the 2011 Citizens Medal, please review the criteria for this year’s medal.