Each week, my office will highlight Federal funding opportunities for which your organization, faith-based or secular, may be eligible to compete. We will also highlight resources made available by the Administration to support local efforts to serve others in our communities.
Neither the Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships nor the Agency Centers administer or manage grant programs and we are not involved in the grant award process. This list is just the beginning of grant opportunities and is not meant to be a comprehensive list. All grant announcements are listed and searchable on Grants.gov if you want to review the range of opportunities that might be available for your organization.
Applications for these funds should be submitted to the appropriate offices described in the grant announcements highlighted below.
Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations (faith-based or community) with 501(c)(3) IRS status are eligible lead applicants along with local governments and Native American tribal governments and organizations.
Applications due by May 2, 2011
Full Announcement (pdf format)
Eligibility: Applicants are limited to nonprofit organizations and federally recognized Indian tribes (as determined by the Secretary of the Interior). Applicants must adhere to all of the eligibility and funding requirements of the Second Chance Act and any additional requirements that may be established through appropriations measures.
Applications due by April 21, 2011
Full Announcement (pdf format)
Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations (faith-based or community) with 501(c)(3) IRS status are eligible lead applicants along with local governments and Native American tribal governments and organizations.
Funding: Fund approximately seven cooperative agreements ranging between $1 million and $7 million
Applications due by April 12, 2011
Full Announcement
Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations (faith-based or community) with 501(c)(3) IRS status are eligible lead applicants. The lead applicant or a stated partner must have experience providing transitional jobs programs.
Funding: $40 Million with an expected number of eight awards
Applications due by April 15, 2011
Full Announcement (pdf format)
Serving Juvenile Offenders in High-Poverty, High-Crime Communities from the U.S. Department of Labor
Eligibility: Organizations with the capacity to implement multi-site, multi-state projects.
Funding: Fund two grants of $8.5 million each.
Applications due by April 12, 2011
Full Announcement (pdf format)
Eligibility: Partnerships are required by this grant so if faith-based and community organizations are interested in participating in this grant, they should explore opportunities to collaborate with eligible organizations.
Funding: Individual grant awards will range from $5 million to $8 million, and DOL intends to fund approximately five to eight grants.
Applications due by March 29, 2011
Full Announcement (pdf format)
Eligibility: Partnerships are required by this grant so if faith-based and community organizations are interested in participating in this grant, they should explore opportunities to collaborate with eligible organizations.
Funding: Approximately 40 to 50 grants ranging from $1 million to $5 million
Applications due by March 29, 2011
Full Announcement (pdf format)
Funding: $40 Million
Applications are due by April 18, 2011
Full Announcement
Eligibility: Any local education agency, college or university, state education or environmental agency, nonprofit organization as described in Section 501(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or a noncommercial educational broadcasting entity as defined and licensed by Federal Communications Commission may submit a proposal.
Funding: $1.9 million in funding for environmental education projects and programs to award at least 20 grants nationwide
Applications are due by May 2, 2011
Full Announcement
Heathcare.gov from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Healthcare.gov makes it easier for community members to learn about the benefits they are eligible for through the Affordable Care Act, and to compare insurance plans and find the option that’s best for them. It is also available in Spanish (CuidadoDeSalud.gov es el primer sitio web en español que proporciona a los consumidores opciones de seguro médico públicos y así como privados, y que son apropiados específicamente para sus necesidades a través del uso de una herramienta única y fácil de usar.)
Mynextmove.org from the U.S. Department of Labor
My Next Move is an interactive tool for job seekers and students to learn more about their career options. The site has tasks, skills, salary information, and more for over 900 different careers. Users can find careers through keyword search; by browsing industries that employ different types of workers; or through the O*NET Interest Profiler, a tool that offers personalized career suggestions based on a person's interests and level of work experience.
Thank you so much for the work you are doing to support and strengthen the challenges faced in your community. If you have questions about these grant opportunities, please be sure to follow up with those listed in the grant announcements.
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Victoria Marquez serves as a Policy Analyst of the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships.