More than seventy-five years ago, Social Security began with a promise to protect all Americans from a life of poverty in old age. Since then, the program’s protections have grown to cover other life events, like disability, the loss of a loved one, or severe financial hardship. Many Americans may think Social Security is only about retirement, but it actually can benefit people well before they retire.
Now the Social Security Administration is teaming up with President Obama’s Open Government initiative to help educate Americans about these important benefits. Open Government—built on the principles of transparency and public participation—has been a hallmark of this Administration and continues to engage Americans in a dialogue about their government and what it does on their behalf. To this end, the Social Security Administration will host a webinar, Social Security 101: What’s In It For Me? on March 10th at 3pm EST/Noon PST. Viewers will gain a better understanding of how Social Security provides support through both unexpected and predictable life events. Participants will connect through an interactive, online medium and get answers to questions like, “What’s that FICA tax that comes out of my paycheck?” and “Why do I need to start planningnow for my financial future?”
The webinar will be geared especially towards college students and young workers—many of whom may not realize what Social Security has to offer—but it will also be an opportunity for people of all ages to learn more about one of this country’s most important programs.
Watch, learn something new, and join the conversation. RSVP and view the webinar here.
Frank Baitman is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at the Social Security Administration
Aneesh Chopra is the U.S. Chief Technology Officer