Ed. Note: Watch the President award recipients at the National Medal of Science and National Medal of Technology and Innovation Ceremony live on Wednesday, November 16 at 5:25 p.m. EST on WhiteHouse.gov/live.
This evening, President Obama will award recipients of the National Medal of Science and the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, the highest honors bestowed by the United States government on scientists, engineers, and inventors.
Yesterday, three National Medal recipients joined us for Tuesday Talks – including Steven Sasson, the inventor of the digital camera; Marye Anne Fox, a pioneer in organic photochemistry and electrochemistry; and Warren Washington, a leader in climate change research. They answered your questions on a range of topics – from the evolution of digital photography to careers for women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) -- in a live video chat on WhiteHouse.gov and Facebook.
You can check out the full video of the chat or use the links below to jump directly to the questions you're interested in.
Questions are paraphrased.
Watch what you missed in previous Tuesday Talks: