Good news! We’ve updated the HealthCare.gov Insurance Finder to include more private insurance plans and health insurance companies.
The Insurance Finder allows you to compare different plans, showing important information that has never before been made public, such as the percentage of people who applied for coverage and were denied.
You may remember that on October 1, we had added price estimates for private insurance policies for individuals and families, allowing consumers to easily compare health insurance plans – putting consumers, not their insurance companies, in charge and taking much of the guesswork and confusion out of buying insurance.
At that time, we had 4,400 plans available---now we’re at 8,500! And we had 230 health insurance companies -- today, we’re at 299.
All this means more information for you, the consumer, when you’re searching for coverage options---further enhancing your ability to find health care coverage that meets your needs and gives you the best value for your dollar. And it represents a significant expansion in the transparency that HealthCare.gov is bringing to the insurance marketplace – transparency that leads to more competition between insurers and better value for consumers.