Welcome to OSTP’s new and improved website and blog. As loyal followers may have noticed, ostp.gov now automatically redirects to our modernized and easy-to-navigate new digs at whitehouse.gov/ostp.
Old site: So 1990s New site: Totally 2010
A few words about our new site: We still have our trusty blog, our main mode of communicating with the public, where you will find frequent updates on OSTP and related activities (it’s like an OSTP diary). We also still have our Pressroom, where we will keep you more formally apprised of news, and dedicated pages focused on the Nation’s R&D Budgets as well as the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology and the National Science and Technology Council. But we have a few new items as well, including a front-page center column that will focus on various topics of interest—such as NASA’s new plan for exploration and the recently released FY2011 R&D Budget, currently featured—to be updated periodically.
With regard to the blog, many of you know that we have long used a WordPress-based public comment function to get input from you on a range of issues, most recently via our Public Access Policy Forum. That comment functionality is just now being built into the Drupal platform upon which our new blog is built. Please stay tuned for that function’s relaunch. In the meantime, you can reach us via the Contact Us page.
Finally, we have moved our Tweetoid of the Day (#TOTD on Twitter) to the front of our main site; it’s not just on our blog anymore. Please continue to send us ideas for our TOTD via Twitter—anything science-y and tech-y including staggering statistics, interesting news items, or fun facts.
Please explore our new site, let us know if you find a glitch before we do, and contact us if you need access to a document that was on the old site but has not yet migrated to the new one (as all eventually will, a process slowed right now by the weather-related government shut-down).
We look forward to educating, informing, and perhaps even entertaining you.