The NNI Vision and Strategic Plan
The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) expedites the discovery, development and deployment of nanoscale science and technology to serve the public good through a program of coordinated research and development aligned with the missions of the participating agencies. These agencies work to fulfill the NNI vision by working together to accomplish four primary goals:
To advance world-class nanotechnology research and development;
- To foster the transfer of new technologies into products for commercial and public benefit;
- To develop and sustain educational resources, a skilled workforce and the supporting infrastructure and tools to advance nanotechnology; and
- To support the responsible development of nanotechnology.
The aim of the NNI is to move nanotechnology discoveries from the laboratory into new products for commercial and public benefit, encourage more students and teachers to become involved in nanotechnology education, create a skilled workforce and the supporting infrastructure and tools to advance nanotechnology and to support the responsible development of nanotechnology.
Every three years, the NNI considers, reviews, and updates its Strategic Plan. The NNI 2011 Strategic Plan is the framework that underpins the nanotechnology work of the NNI member agencies. It aims to ensure that advancements in and applications of nanotechnology R&D to agency missions and the broader national interest continue unabated in this still-young area of research and development. Its purpose is to facilitate achievement of the NNI vision by laying out guidance for agency leaders, program managers, and the research community regarding planning and implementation of nanotechnology R&D investments and activities. For more information, visit the NNI’s website at
To enhance the value of the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), OSTP reached out to the nanotechnology stakeholder community for specific input for the NNI Strategic Plan during 2010. The effort was three-fold, consisting of a Request for Information, a NNI Strategic Plan Stakeholder Workshop, and an online public comment event.
Request for Information
A Request for Information (RFI) published in the Federal Register referred to the 2007 NNI Strategic Plan as a starting point for questions covering themes such as investment, partnerships, evaluation, and policy. Responses to the RFI were accepted through August 15, 2010 via email to
NNI Strategic Plan Stakeholder Workshop, July 13-14
The NNI Strategic Plan Stakeholder Workshop was webcast on July 13-14, 2010.
Online Public Comment Event: NNI Strategic Plan, July 13 – August 15
The public comment event took place in four stages, with responses to questions solicited to the themes as listed below:
- July 13 - 25: Research Priorities & Investment
- July 26 - August 2: Coordination & Partnerships
- August 2 - 9: Evaluation & Policy
- August 9 - 15: Goals & Objectives