White House Task Force on Puerto Rico
A Roadmap for Congressional Action to Address the Crisis in Puerto Rico
The 3.5 million American citizens who live in Puerto Rico are facing a serious crisis. Puerto Rico has been mired in a decade long recession, during which more than 300,000 Puerto Ricans left the island as the economy shrunk and unemployment soared. The Commonwealth has already began defaulting on its debt, which has led to cuts in health, education and public safety services. Puerto Rico cannot solve its crisis alone.
On June 30, 2016 President Barack Obama singed the S. 2328: Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act that will provide Puerto Rico with the support it needs to restructure its debts, provide fiscal oversight, safeguard vital public services, and protect public pensions.
Watch President Obama Sign Legislation for Puerto Rico:
Read the Legislation – S. 2328 Puerto Rico oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act
Roadmap for Congressional Action
State of Puerto Rico’s Economic and Fiscal Crisis
Watch the President's Weekly Address on Addressing Puerto Rico’s Economic Crisis:
Updates to Congress on Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico's Humanitarian Crisis
Puerto Rico's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
The Impact of the Crisis on Puerto Rico's Muni Market
Puerto Rico's Fiscal and Economic Data
"For over a century, the people of Puerto Rico and the United States have woven a lasting political, economic, social, and cultural relationship. Today, this relationship is strengthened and renewed by more than four million U.S. citizens who call Puerto Rico home and nearly equal number of Puerto Ricans living on the mainland who travel back to Puerto Rico for business, vacation, or visits to see family and friends. We honor their contributions to the Nation and welcome their vigorous participation...".
When President Obama took office in 2009, he signed Executive Order 13517 to renew the President’s Task Force on Puerto Rico to address the issue of Puerto Rico’s status and the process by which that issue should be resolved. The Executive Order also expanded the responsibility of the Task Force to help improve the treatment of Puerto Rico in federal programs and to provide recommendations on policies that promote job creation, education, health care, clean energy, and economic development in the Commonwealth. The current Task Force includes representatives from every Cabinet agency and the White House.
The Task Force’s 2011 Report and its recommendations provide an important road map to address the concerns relating to the question of status and the questions of expanded economic opportunity for Puerto Rico.
- Letter from President Obama
- Executive Summary of the Report by the President's Task Force on Puerto Rico's Status
- Report by the President's Task Force on Puerto Rico's Status
- Informe del Grupo de Trabajo del Presidente sobre el Estatus de Puerto Rico
Administration Support for Puerto Rico
The President and his Administration remain committed to helping Puerto Rico address its crisis and chart a path to economic growth. The Administration has partnered with Puerto Rico to attract jobs, by creating investments in important emerging industries, secure new funds to accelerate infrastructure projects, and improve healthcare outcomes.
Learn more about Administration’s efforts to support Puerto Rico and improve the lives of the island’s 3.5 million Americans.
Statement from Secretary Lew on Senate Passage of Puerto Rico Legislation
June 29, 2016
Congress Must Act Before July 1 to Help Puerto Rico
June 27, 2016
Puerto Rico's Fiscal Crisis: What You Need to Know
June 6, 2016
Perez and Muñoz Op-ed: PROMESA for Puerto Rico
June 3, 2016
Vilsack Announces New Promise Zone Designation for Puerto Rico, Other Steps to Lift Puerto Rican Economy
June 2, 2016
Lew Op-Ed: The Puerto Rico Rescue We Need
June 1, 2016
HUD Secretary Julián Castro Highlights Affordable Housing Strategies, Zika Virus Protection in Public Housing
May 20, 2016
Readout from Sec. Lew’s Trip to Puerto Rico
May 9, 2016
Secretary Lew Sends Letter to Congress on Puerto Rico
May 2, 2016
HHS Awards $5 Million to Puerto Rico Health Centers to Fight the Spread of Zika Virus
April 26, 2016
CMS Announces Rate Changes to Support Medicare in Puerto Rico
April 4, 2016
Secretary King Visits Puerto Rico to Support Students in the Midst of Fiscal Challenges
March 31, 2016
Secretary Jewell Visits Puerto Rico to Spotlight Benefits of Tourism to Island Economy
March 31, 2016
DOT Announces $400 Million in Federal Funds to Accelerate Infrastructure Projects in Puerto Rico
February 25, 2016
We Must Avoid Another Lost Decade in Puerto Rico
February 24, 2016
HHS Working to Solve the Health Care Challenges in Puerto Rico
February 18, 2016
White House Hosts Discussion with Stakeholders on Puerto Rico’s Fiscal Crisis
February 16, 2016
Treasury Secretary Meets with Press in Puerto Rico on Economic Crisis
January 20, 2016
Secretary Lew Sends Letter to Congress on Puerto Rico
January 15, 2016
Administration Calls for Puerto Rico’s Access to Bankruptcy Protection
November 13, 2015
The Administration’s Roadmap for Puerto Rico: Diverse Voices Supporting a Balanced Proposal
November 3, 2015
Administration Releases Legislative Proposal to Address Puerto Rico’s Economic and Fiscal Crisis
October 21, 2015
Secretary Lew Writes to Senator Hatch to Urge Action on Puerto Rico’s Fiscal Challenges
July 28, 2015