NEPA Handbooks

NEPA-CEQA Handbook

CEQ and the California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) have jointly prepared the handbook “NEPA and CEQA: Integrating Federal and State Environmental Reviews.” The handbook provides practitioners with an overview of NEPA and CEQA as well as suggestions for developing a single environmental review process that can meet the requirements of both statutes.  The handbook also provides a framework for a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between two or more agencies entering into a joint NEPA/ CEQA review process, and addresses the California Energy Commission (CEC) licensing process, which takes the place of the CEQA process for certain power plants. 

NEPA and CEQA: Integrating Federal and State Environmental Reviews 

Letter from CEQ Chair Nancy Sutley and OPR Director Ken Alex to Secretaries and Administrators

NEPA-NHPA Handbook

CEQ and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) released a new handbook that provides advice to Federal agencies, applicants, project sponsors, and consultants on how to take advantage of existing regulatory provisions to align the NEPA process and the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Section 106 review process.  Federal agencies have independent statutory obligations under NEPA and NHPA.  For many projects, agencies can use the procedures and documentation required by NEPA to comply with NHPA Section 106, instead of undertaking a separate process.  The handbook explains how to align NEPA and NHPA Section 106 processes for maximum efficiency and public input, and provides a series of roadmaps for coordination of the two statutes.  

NEPA-NHPA Section 106 Handbook

Letter from CEQ Chair Nancy Sutley and ACHP Chairman Milford Donaldson to Federal Departments and Agencies


Read the press release